Thursday, July 19, 2007

Shattered Glass and other videos

In the mean time we got a new flip camcorder so here are a few links to videos we have made. One is of Neville because he is the love of our lives and the other is of the kitchen in our apartment. We are subletting till August 11th and believe me we can't wait to leave.

While here, Casey managed to destroy some highly-valued property.

Here's a comparison of the kitchen floor, partway through Sarah's scouring of it.

And finally, Neville REALLY wants to go on a mission!


natalie said...

Yay you have a blog! It's fun. Keep the updates coming. That is so fun you guys got to go to Hawaii. I haven't been since our honeymoon.
ours is:

Rob, Brooke, Breanna and Ethan said...

Sarah! It's so good to hear from you! I'm excited that you guys got to go to hawaii! how's life going? what are you up to these days? hope to hear from you soon!

Kelly said...

Sarah! I just found your blog through Brooke's blog! I am happy to be able to keep track of so many Hawaii people. Such great memories. Love ya!

Tiffany said...

You are so hilarious!!! So not jealous of your floor scouring though. This is why I like new construction best...the bad news though, you still have to wipe everything down, and the toilets were very nearly undoubtedly used by nasty construction workers!